Electrical Safety Tips & Contracting News
Discover how to repair and upgrade your home or business with electrical safety tips from American Electric of Jacksonville. Read our blog to get helpful news and information from experienced electricians about the services we offer. You can also get the latest electrical contracting news updates about our work in the community. Learn everything you need to know about residential or commercial electrical work and how it can benefit you in our blog posts below!

Electrical Tips for Kitchen Safety
Commercial kitchens face increased danger of electricity due to the risk of water spills and grease, fires, worn electrical cords on countertop equipment, faulty wiring or equipment, damaged outlets or connectors, and much more.

Ways for Businesses to Save Energy
There are many simple ways a business can reduce electricity usage and costs. Two of the easiest ways to save money and energy are by using the right kind of lightbulbs and properly managing and turning off office equipment.

Parking Lot Lights
Daylight savings has come upon us, falling back, with the sun setting at 5:30 PM. American Electric of Jacksonville has been commercially contracted by Etchasoft to repair the parking lot lights for the safety of their employees and guests.

Electrical Circuit Repair
American Electric of Jacksonville was contracted by Etchasoft Inc. to replace a 30 AMP electrical circuit with a 60 AMP circuit. At American Electric, we have the ability to schedule flexible hours when a job needs to be completed.