Variable Frequency Drive Installation & Maintenance Service
American Electric of Jacksonville offers variable frequency drive (VFD) installation and maintenance options to all of our customers. Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), are controller component that can
vary the frequency and voltage delivered to your electric motors. Learn how American Electric’s variable frequency service can help save you money on your energy costs.

What is VFD?
A VFD can go by many names, including Adjustable Frequency Drives, Variable Speed Drives, AC Drives, Motor Controls, Inverters, and Microdrives that are designed to help regulate the RPMs with your motor speed. A higher frequency will increase the RPMs. Conversely, if fewer RPMs are required, a variable speed drive can help to slow the motor to meet the current load demand. The converter is the first part
of the system that normally consists of six diodes that bring the current in a one-way entrance. Once the current is similar enough to one diode, it will allow access. Each diode is a different phase, with a positive and negative side for each. Thus, you have six pulse options to control your motor speed.
Normally, the conversion leads to an AC ripple, where DC power is over the limits on the voltage being used in the power system. A capacitor is utilized here to absorb this ripple and deliver steady DC power.
The Benefits of Variable Frequency Drive Equipment
- High Level Protection
- Reduces Energy Consumption
- Decreases Maintenance Costs
- Reduces Your Carbon Footprint
With VFD Systems, you can expect a wide range of benefits that come from delivering the most efficient option for matching the output for your electric motors. It’s important to remember that VFDs can be very complex devices that can change in cost or complexity based on your specific needs.
Lower Energy Costs – Saving energy when full speed is not needed is one of the biggest benefits of using a VFD. Load demands will fluctuate, and being able to match the speed to precisely meet the load requirement can provide major savings. Companies that upgrade to motor control systems may save upwards of 70 percent on their energy costs.
Less Wasted Use – When your motor starts and stops suddenly, wear and tear will inevitably be placed on the belts and
pulley. VFDs allow for tighter control over operations, reducing the overall strain placed on your system.
Equipment Longevity – As we have said, voltage demands can fluctuate, creating the chance that some sort of error or
misfire may occur. Problems such as too little or too much voltage, overheating, or any other issue resulting from an unbalanced system can be minimized by varying your motor speed for more precise results. Smoother starts and stops work to reduce the strain placed on your motor, resulting in more longevity and less downtime.
The Licensed Electricians at American Electric of Jacksonville have the experience and technical knowledge to install variable frequency drives provide variable frequency drive repair services to meet your specific requirements.